Brian Toye

3569 days ago

Brian Toye of Toye & Co: Crony Capitalist you have Massive Questions to answer you POS

Brian Toye runs a listed company Toye & Co (TOYE) and has now made a 35p a share offer to buy out his fellow stockholders. The offer is disgracefully low – a 30% discount to the share price and a 70% discount to the last NAV. The manner of the offer also begs a stack of questions as to whether rules have been followed. The NEDs said No. But it will go through unless regulators intervene. This is disgraceful crony capitalism and POS Brian Toye has serious questions to answer.

One shareholder has now contacted Mr Toye, his advisors and the Takeover Panel asking for an investigation. Let’s see what happen. His letter is below. And it will horrify you. 
